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TotalEnergies has made an important announcement regarding the discovery of oil and gas in the Ntokon field, located offshore Nigeria in OML102.

The Ntokon-1AX discovery well, situated in shallow waters approximately 60 kilometers southeast of Nigeria’s coast, encountered 38 meters of net oil pay and 15 meters of net gas pay. Additionally, the Ntokon-1G1 side-track well discovered 73 meters of net oil pay in well-developed reservoirs of excellent quality. The Ntokon-1G1 well was successfully tested and produced up to a maximum rate of about 5,000 barrels per day of 40° API oil.

The Ntokon field is strategically positioned, being just 20 km away from the existing Ofon field facilities in OML102. TotalEnergies plans to develop the Ntokon field by connecting it to these established facilities through a tie-back arrangement.

Nicolas Terraz, the President of Exploration and Production at TotalEnergies, expressed optimism about the Ntokon discovery and its potential for a new tie-back development. He highlighted that this achievement, coupled with the successful start-up of the Ikike tie-back project in OML99 in 2022, further underscores the value that nearby exploration holds within TotalEnergies’ low-cost, low-emission strategy.

TotalEnergies EP Nigeria operates OML102 with a 40% interest, while NNPC Ltd. is a partner with the remaining 60% stake.

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