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Sonatrach, Algeria’s state-owned energy company, recently reported six new oil discoveries made in the country during the first quarter of this year.

Among the discoveries, two wells were found in Amguid, producing over 5,599 barrels of crude oil and 170,000 cubic meters of gas per day. Two additional sites were discovered in Berkine, with the first well generating 129,048 cubic meters of gas and 239 barrels per day of condensates, and the second well producing 1,905 barrels per day of crude oil and 137,484 cubic meters of gas. The remaining discoveries were made in Ohanet, with production of more than 336,000 cubic meters of gas and 1,504 barrels per day of condensates.

These discoveries have potential significance as Algeria’s oil exports are on the rise, and Sonatrach has set a target of doubling its gas production by 2023.

Additionally, following the Western sanctions on Russia in 2022, Algeria has become a key alternative source of oil and natural gas to Europe, with Italy seeking to strengthen energy ties with Algeria in recent weeks.

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