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An order prohibiting the energy behemoth Shell from using seismic waves to search for oil and gas off the Indian Ocean coast has been upheld by a South African court.

The decision made in Makhanda on Thursday represents a major victory for environmentalists worried about the effect the exploration would have on whales and other marine life.

The high court in the southern city ruled that the 2014 decision authorizing the “exploration of oil and gas in the Transkei and Algoa exploration areas be reviewed and set aside.”

According to local media, civil rights organizations and civilians celebrated outside the courthouse following the verdict,

A Shell spokesperson said the company “respects the court’s decision” and would review the judgment to “determine our next steps.” Shell did not say if it would appeal the judgment or not. “We remain committed to South Africa and our role in the just energy transition,” he said.

Last December, the same court issued an interim order prohibiting the firm from going ahead with its plans.

Green Connection, one of the environmental and human rights organizations that filed the case against Shell, said that “civil society, traditional communities, and small-scale [fishermen] have once again been vindicated by the courts.”

The petroleum firm was set to collect 3D seismic data over more than 6,000 sq km (2,300 sq miles) of ocean off South Africa’s Wild Coast-a 300km (185-mile) stretch of rich waters housing exquisite marine life and natural reserves.

Campaigners claimed the research could have caused harm to marine life by disrupting their routines and sending “extremely” loud shock waves every 10 seconds for five months.

The energy ministry of South Africa supported the plan and criticized those who were against it for preventing investment in the nation’s development.

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