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Invictus Energy has officially begun drilling the Mukuyu-2 well in Zimbabwe at its Cabora Bassa Project, in which it holds an 80% ownership stake and operates.

Managing director Scott Macmillan commented, “This is an exciting and long-anticipated moment for Invictus and our shareholders, and the commencement of our second drilling campaign is a significant milestone following our successful basin opening, the Mukuyu-1 wildcat well completed last year, which proved a working petroleum system and multiple hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs, has de-risked future drilling and provided us with increased confidence in Mukuyu-2.”

Mukuyu-2, if successful, could be transformational for the company, Zimbabwe, and much of southern Africa’s future energy needs.

The company is pleased to announce that drilling at the Mukuyu-2 appraisal well in SG 4571 started on September 20.

Mukuyu-2 will be drilled to a planned total depth of 3,750 m. The drilling and evaluation of the well are projected to take approximately 50 to 60 days to complete.

The Mukuyu-2 well will assess the main target zone, known as the Triassic Upper Angwa formation, located approximately 450 metres up the slope from Mukuyu-1, where hydrocarbons were intersected.

Additionally, the well will explore several other potential sites, such as the Dande formation (Jurassic-Cretaceous), the Forest formation, and the Pebbly Arkose formation (both Triassic). Furthermore, it will investigate the Lower Angwa sequence within the Mukuyu anticline, which is located within the central horst structure and has not been previously examined.

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