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During a meeting at the Egypt International Energy Conference and Exhibition “EGYPES2024” in Cairo, the Egyptian Minister of Petroleum, Tarek El-Molla, affirmed that his country’s specialised companies are prepared to initiate and collaborate on oil projects in Libya. He discussed this readiness with Farhat Bengdara, the Chairman of the National Oil Corporation (NOC), emphasising their commitment to cooperation.

Bengdara and El-Molla discussed opportunities for Egyptian oil sector companies to contribute to the implementation of oil projects inside Libya in light of their intention to intensify activities and projects in the coming period, according to a statement by the NOC on Facebook.

El-Molla confirmed the readiness of specialised training centres in the oil sector to train Libyans in light of the Libyan side’s request for cooperation in this regard, while Bengdara stressed that there were many opportunities and areas for cooperation with Egypt in implementing oil projects inside Libya, especially with the distinguished previous contributions of Egyptian oil companies in implementing projects. Bengdara also expressed the desire of the Libyan side to discuss opportunities to use the services of Egyptian companies in the field of drilling oil wells.

The Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum announced that both parties agreed to arrange a meeting for Libyan representatives with specialised Egyptian petroleum sector companies such as “Enppi,” “Petrojet,” “San Misr,” and “Petromaint.” The purpose of this meeting is to explore the opportunities for Egyptian companies to undertake projects in Libya.

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