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The Ivorian state media revealed that Cote d’Ivoire would supply Guinea with 50 million litres of petrol monthly in response to an explosion and fire at the primary fuel depot in the country.

“Cote ‘Ivoire has undertaken to deliver 50 million litres of petrol per month to Guinea,” said a journalist from Radio Television Ivoirienne (RTI), without specifying the duration of shipments.

Guinea’s Finance Minister Moussa Cisse met with Ivorian Minister of Mines, Petroleum, and Energy Mamadou Sangafowa Coulibaly in Abidjan on Wednesday.

A contract will be signed Thursday, RTI reported, adding that Guinea needs 70 million litres of petrol a month.

At least 24 people died and 454 were injured in the December 18 blast in Guinea’s capital, Conakry.

The resulting fire took nine days to put out.

Guinea resumed fuel distribution on Saturday but imposed a limit of 25 litres per car and 5 litres per two- or three-wheel vehicle.

The country had been deprived of petrol since the explosion, bringing much of the economy to a standstill.

Last week, clashes between security forces and groups of young people demanding the reinstatement of gasoline at service stations erupted during demonstrations in various areas.