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An official source in the Ministry of Electricity revealed on Monday that 4,000 kilometers in Upper Egypt have been allocated for power-generating solar and wind installations. Stations will be established in Beni Suef, Sohag, Asyut, and west of the Nile.

According to the source, Aswan, in southern Egypt, is a prospective province for solar energy projects. New stations with a capacity of 700 megawatts are being built at Komombo, with plans for future developments with a capacity of 2000 megawatts, he said.

The source explained that during the next 5 years, Egypt will witness unprecedented expansions in renewable energy to provide an integrated power solution that the state needs for mega projects. “Renewable energy will also be a key component in water desalination projects, green hydrogen production, and the safe disposal of radioactive waste,” he added.

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