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Emna Bali Zarrouk, officer in charge of management studies and planning at the First Forum Africa France on Ecological and Energy Transition, stated on the first day of the conference, “The Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company (STEG) would not only catch up in the energy transition but also make renewable energy the main source of electricity it produces and distributes.”

This great leap forward would be in three stages over twenty-eight years: more than 35% in 2030, 50% in 2035, and 80% in 2050. Yet promising, the renewable energy sector in Tunisia represents only 3.7% of the total power, divided between wind, hydro and photovoltaic.

Tunisia has enacted legislation to facilitate calls for projects in the field, including a framework law enacted on May 11, 2015, on the production of electricity from renewable energy for local consumption and the export of energy produced.

However, the sector’s situation is hampered by the STEG unions’ boycott of the connection of renewable energy production facilities.