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The telecoms billionaire Mo Ibrahim, one of Africa’s richest businessmen, has criticized Western nations for trying to prevent African nations from using their abundant gas reserves.

He advocated using Africa’s gas riches to provide electricity to some of the world’s most impoverished citizens. 600 million people worldwide lack access to electricity. Without power for the people, how can we ever consider development? How are we able to have TVs, tablets, laptops, hospitals, businesses, and other amenities? For us, development is a big concern, and power is crucial.

He continued, “But we will export, yeah. What you need to make sure is that Africans have some share of their own gas.”

At the Cop27 UN climate summit next month, the gas in Africa and the issue of whether and how countries can extract it will be a major flashpoint.

Africa’s gas, and the question of whether and how countries can exploit it, will be a key flashpoint at the Cop27 UN climate summit next month. The continent holds enough gas to raise global temperatures far beyond the 1.5C threshold countries agreed to target at the last UN climate summit, Cop26 last November in Glasgow. Sticking to that goal is likely to mean limiting how much of the gas is extracted, or using ways to capture and store the resulting carbon dioxide – an expensive technology that has not yet been proven at any significant scale.

Ibrahim’s charitable foundation published a report in September that concluded that for Africans to treble their energy use, through gas alone, would add less than 1% to global carbon dioxide emissions.

“These are poor people – how much power do poor people need?” he asked. “These guys don’t have air conditioning, they don’t have swimming pools to heat, they don’t have big SUVs to drive or gas-guzzling cars. They have a very small place, they only need a couple of bulbs to light.”

Using gas for cooking in place of the wood, dung, coal, paraffin and other dirty fuels now commonly used would also save lives in Africa, Ibrahim added. “Nine hundred million people in Africa suffer from unclean cooking – mainly women. What about the pollution effect of that? It’s a serious problem, a health disaster and an environmental disaster. That’s why we need gas.”

Developed countries and civil society groups have sought to discourage African governments from drilling their reserves, some of which are in threatened ecosystems such as the Congo basin.

But as gas prices soar, the reserves are more profitable to exploit, and multinational companies, as well as other interested countries such as Saudi Arabia and Russia, have been exploring ways to invest on the continent.

EU member states have also entered the fray, seeking to import gas from Africa to replace the fuel they were importing from Russia.

“It just seems obscene to me that Europe is running around to find some gas now,” said Ibrahim. “Why can’t we have the same option? Aren’t we the same people?”

Ibrahim, a British citizen who was born in Sudan, rose to prominence as a telecoms entrepreneur, founding Celtel International in 1998, which brought mobile phone networks to 14 African countries where people lacked landline infrastructure. He set up the Mo Ibrahim Foundation in 2006, which seeks to foster good governance and leadership in Africa.

Celtel succeeded by “leapfrogging” landline technology with mobile phones, gaining more than 24 million customers by the time of its sale in 2005. Some civil society groups believe Africa could do the same with renewable energy, leapfrogging gas to move straight to clean energy.

Ibrahim said many African countries were pursuing renewable power, but said gas would still be needed as a “backstop” in this transition.

“The reality is it [the move to renewables] cannot be done in the time needed to do it,” he said, pointing to the variability of renewable energy and lack of battery technology.

He also contrasted the situation in Europe, which is building liquefied natural gas infrastructure to import gas from the Middle East. “If [renewable energy] is valid, why don’t those guys jump immediately and stop using gas? They’re not doing that – they’re building [LNG infrastructure], they’re actually even reopening coalmines. So you’re giving me advice which you’re not following yourself.”


Pirmak Zwanbun

Pirmak is a senior researcher at the African Energy Institute. He has 10 years of experience across the energy verticals of power, hydrogen, oil, gas, LNG and renewable energy.