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Yeo, a Turkey-based firm, partners with local company GEI Power to construct a photovoltaic solar power plant in Zambia.

The 60 MW photovoltaic solar power plant will be set up in the Choma district. It will feature a 20 MWh battery storage system. During the construction phase, 150 locals will be employed, with an additional 50 seasonal employees once the project is operational. This commitment to local engagement and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives underscores the project’s broader impact on the Choma district’s economic development.

The project not only addresses Zambia’s need for alternative energy but also aligns with its goal of mitigating the impact of drought on hydroelectricity production. According to Ignatius Anayawa, GEI’s Managing Director, the future electricity infrastructure will be capable of supplying at least 65,000 Zambian households. This not only addresses immediate energy needs but also positions Zambia favorably for future growth and development.

In Zambia, the level of connection to electricity on average is 30% nationwide and only 5% in rural areas. Energy generation relies almost entirely on hydropower, accounting for nearly 90% of its total installed generation capacity. However, due to significant and recurring periods of drought in the country, it has not been possible to operate the hydroelectric plants at their full capacity.

In recent years, the country has embraced solar energy, inaugurating several power stations in the Copperbelt, its primary mining region located in the central north near the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).