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The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Germany has revealed a collaborative venture with the Namibia Green Hydrogen Institute (NGHRI) to explore a hydrogen pilot plant and filling station situated close to Walvis Bay in Namibia. The objective is to acquire the knowledge necessary to safely and efficiently scale up green hydrogen production at the project while advancing the development of a hydrogen economy in Germany and Namibia.

Cleanergy Solutions Namibia, a joint venture between the Namibian company Ohlthaver & List Group and the Belgian cleantech company CMB.TECH, is currently developing a 5 MW green hydrogen production pilot plant. BAM and NGHRI will actively conduct research on green hydrogen production and material handling at this facility. Once complete, the facility will produce 200 metric tonnes of green hydrogen per year, which will be used to power Namibia’s port, mining, and transport sectors near Walvis Bay.

BAM will also provide its hydrogen testing and training facility in Germany to train Namibians over three years, enabling the exchange of ideas, best practices, and technological innovations essential to understanding and expanding the green hydrogen industry while facilitating the country’s local content development.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Böllinghaus, Head of the Component Safety Department at BAM, stated that “through our joint research programme, we will identify innovative materials for welded transport pipelines, piping systems, and storage tanks, thereby helping to improve the safety and sustainability of green hydrogen technologies.”

Eike Krafft, Group Leader at Olthaver & List, emphasised the pilot’s role in promoting sustainable development in Namibia, stating, “We aim to lead the production of green hydrogen, drive the green energy transition, diminish carbon emissions, and foster economic growth in Namibia.”